Visual Communication
Introduction to the fundamental concepts and principles of audio and video message design. Emphasis on development of visual literacy, understanding of theories of visual perceptions and critical analysis of media messages. Students produce a short film or music video for final projects.
Video Production
Introduction to the principles and practice of video production. Includesmethods of program design and management, with emphasis on aesthetics. Course projects include commercials, short films and informational pieces.
Writing for the Media
Course Involves extensive practice in writing for television, radio, and the internet with an and emphasis on creating meaning through the interaction of sounds, images and graphics with copy.
Multimedia Journalism
Students produce their own television newscasts while also studying the standards, developments and issues related to electronic news gathering and distribution in society.
Documentary Production
Communication students travel around the world producing documentaries that are seen on our cable channel and You Tube channels, on Public Television and at Film Festivals.